Monday, August 17, 2020

Do You Want To Turn Emails Into Tasks Outlook?

You can change your emails into tasks in the Outlook email client, which will be helpful when you receive a lot of work or assignment emails. Adding the emails to the task list helps you maintain the to-do list without much effort and easily follow the action plan. Also, you can set a reminder for the task and alarm for when to start/complete the work. Learn how to turn emails into tasks Outlook from the following steps.

Turn Outlook email to task:

Step : 1

Launch the Outlook application on your computer and find the Tasks folder on the left navigation panel.

Step : 2

Find the email which you have to convert into a task and then click and drag the email to the Task folder using the mouse.

Step : 3

Following that, the Task window will appear with the email message as the task.

Step : 4

Now, you can change the subject of the task, set the start and due dates for completing the task.

Step : 5

Also, you can enter the status and set the priority order. 

Learn More

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